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Digital Marketing tools: 16 of the best Digital Marketing tools to boost your online strategy

Digital Marketing tools are indispensable for any strategy, regardless of whether it is carried out by SMEs, startups or large corporations.

Thanks to them you can automate tasks and actions, optimise dissemination flows and centralise different activities, among many other things.

16 of the best Digital Marketing tools to boost your online strategy

So, would you like to know which are the most effective and useful Digital Marketing tools? If your answer is yes, take a look at 16 of them!

16 Digital Marketing tools for an online strategy

1. HubSpot

This is one of the most popular Marketing Automation tools today, and it is backed by a solid brand like HubSpot, which has earned a place of honour in the Digital Marketing and Inbound Marketing market.

The company's software is capable of automating data analysis, Landing Pages and, of course, Email Marketing, as well as calls to action, blogging and SEO actions in general.

In addition to this, it includes an effective and powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM), i.e. a customer relationship management system.

By including a CRM, HubSpot's software is an ideal alternative to optimise the work time of both the sales and marketing teams. 

2. RD Station

RD Station offers one of the best Digital Marketing and automation tools, which helps optimise search engine positioning through SEO techniques and improves the user experience by improving the company's or brand's website.

One of the great potentialities of this software, ideal to work as a complement to Content Marketing platforms, is that it provides pre-designed templates for Email Marketing and increases the reach of social networks.

RD Station's solution also has the ability to create Landing Pages, analyse - in real time - interactions with leads and identify those prospects that are ready to move on to sales.

In this article you will find best practices for combining the use of RD Station and Rock Content platforms.

3. Hootsuite

In 2008, although they were not as widely used as they are today, we were already in the age of social media.

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn were already part of the daily lives of millions of people and brands, and Hootsuite knew how to make a profitable business out of it.

This is one of the Digital Marketing tools that are directly focused on networks. Basically, it is a content and publication manager.

Thanks to Hootsuite, users simply have to schedule their publications, defining time periods or periodicity, to keep their profiles updated and in motion.

At the same time, this tool provides access to metrics and data on interactions and popularity, which facilitates the analysis of results.

4. Canva

Graphic design is an elemental part of Digital Marketing strategies, and that makes Canva an excellent tool.

This software is so flexible and intuitive that to use it you only need to drag and drop the photographs, vectors, graphics and fonts that it offers to its large community of users, who number in the millions, by the way.

Finally, all these design resources and their practicality are within the reach of any user, even those who do not want to invest a penny. Yes, it is a free Digital Marketing tool.

5. Infusionsoft

Email management and e-commerce activities have made this software one of the most widely used tools on the market, although its functionalities go far beyond that.

This automation software also has the potential to create affiliate systems, manage customer databases, provide real-time reports and manage incoming documents such as tax receipts, offers and invoices.

Many of these tasks can be accomplished because, like other similar tools, it includes a powerful customer relationship manager.

6. Emarsys

This is predictive software, which performs projections and forward-looking analysis based on the processing of a surprisingly large volume of data.

Among other things, it can study the behaviour of users and leads on the web and predict the types of content and products that will interest them, specifically through the development of A/B tests.

Also, it has the ability to design Email Marketing and Social Media campaigns, segment the audience in an advanced way and report accurately each of the actions of the strategies. 

7. Google Analytics

They say that the classics never go out of fashion, and Google Analytics is a very good example of this.

This tool was one of the first on the market and has established itself as one of the best free alternatives, ideal for SMEs and startups that want to undertake digital strategies to compete in terms of exposure and positioning with the big brands.

Thanks to it, you will be able to obtain information about user behaviour when accessing content and, in general, about traffic.

8. Google Search Console

It has been known by this name for quite some time, but those who are "veterans" in the use of digital marketing tools know that it was originally called Webmaster Tools.

This free Google service offers the great opportunity to monitor and maintain the presence of a website in search results.

This tool even helps to solve problems related to malware or spam, as well as keeping the website with minimal interruptions.

9. SEMrush

For those who work professionally in the world of Inbound Marketing, especially in Content Marketing projects, this paid tool is very familiar and also a helping hand.

This is because SEMrush is a powerful keyword analysis and search engine optimisation solution.

Also, SEMRush has a free version (much less powerful, of course), which helps to identify the main organic competitors, follow and nofollow links and referring domains.

Logically, it is much more advisable to use the paid tool (which is in fact the most widely used) at a professional level and for highly relevant strategies.

10. ion interactive

If your website has conversion problems (from visitors to leads or from leads to customers) or is not so effective in generating engagement with the audience, ion interactive is a tool you should know about.

This software is specialised in the creation of interactive content pages, in which each click that the user makes transmits information about their behaviour.

Some types of interactive content that can be made with ion are:

  • calculators, so you can discover the purchasing power of each of your users;
  • quizzes, to understand the maturity of your potential customers regarding a topic;
  • Landing Pages, which stimulate conversion by offering a surprising user experience;
  • infographics, which provide the user with the information they need in a captivating way, increasing their time spent on the pages;
  • and many more.

It is an ideal platform for shortening the sales cycle, because each interactive page produces valuable data about potential customers and the pains they need to heal, ensuring you act more accurately in your business processes.

11. Buzzumo

This is one of the most useful Digital Marketing tools for content strategies, as it allows to know the articles and, in general, the most relevant materials according to a certain format and the selected topic.

In fact, Buzzumo can spy on the competition and their most successful content by simply entering their URL.

12. Feedly

When it comes to managing favourite blogs and news feeds and disseminating content on social networks, mainly Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, Feedly emerges as an excellent alternative.

Best of all, it is a mobile application that can be used in "dead" hours or minutes, i.e. while waiting for the bus, during break times at work, or at any other time that is not very productive.

13. Google Adwords

This is the keyword planner of the "almighty" search engine of the contemporary era. That simple sentence reflects the usefulness and importance of this Digital Marketing tool.

As the use and fame of the world's largest search engine has grown, this tool has established itself as an ally for SEO professionals and strategies for the dissemination and distribution of content of interest.

This is because paid search engine promotion actions are efficient in an Internet Marketing strategy.

With them, companies increase their chances of attracting users with a clear intention to buy by typing a keyword such as "hire digital marketing company" or "how much does it cost to create a website".

14. Hotjar

Have you already heard or read about Hotjar? It is a tool that allows you to analyse the way in which users browse a brand or company's website, which in turn translates into a better understanding of their interests and needs.

Although simply put, can you imagine all the benefits of knowing this information about users? Among other things, it guarantees optimisation of new content and longer browsing time per visitor.

15. SimilarWeb

Analysing the competition is a fundamental part of any digital strategy. For this reason, keep an eye on SimilarWeb!

Thanks to this tool you will be able to analyse and know what actions and tactics your main competitors are developing on the Internet.

16. QuillEngage

It is very important to keep in mind that you can use several of the tools on this list at the same time.

For example, QuillEngage is a great complement to Google Analytics, as it allows you to convert the results of your reports into text.

And that's it! These are 16 of the Digital Marketing tools that will help you to safely carry out your strategies.

In case you want to use them all at the same time, great! Take advantage of the best of each of them and complement each other.
